Year-round service.
The dates below reflect our "holiday schedule", which are dates our regular dog walking and daycare services are NOT available.
However, we do our best to serve our clients and we may be available upon request. If we are available we will apply the "Holiday" or "Weekend" walk or daycare rate.
Call us at 415-387-DOGS (3647) or send mail to booking (at) for more information.
We are open 365 days/year for boarding.
We offer daycare on weekends and most holidays (except for Thanksgiving and Christmas Day)
Days not listed below will be on our regular schedule.
MONJan 1st : New Year's Day
MONJan 15th: MLK Day
MONMay 27th: Memorial Day
THURSJuly 4th: Independence Holiday
MONSep 2nd: Labor Day
THUNov 28th: Thanksgiving Holiday
FRINov 29th: Thanksgiving Holiday
TUESDec 24th: Christmas Eve
WEDDec 25th: Christmas Holiday
WEDJan 1st : New Year's Day
MONJan 20th: MLK Day
MONFeb 17th: President's Day
MONMay 26th: Memorial Day
FRIJuly 4th: Independence Holiday
MONSep 1st: Labor Day
THUNov 27th: Thanksgiving Holiday
FRINov 28th: Thanksgiving Holiday
THURSDec 25th: Christmas Holiday
FRIDec 26th: Christmas Holiday
Office Business Hours
Monday — Friday: 8:30am - 5pm
Group Walks:
First pick-up: 9:00AM — 10:00AM
Last pick-up: 2:30PM — 3:30PM
Dog Day Care and Puppy Day Care:
pick-up: 9:00AM — 10:15AM
drop-off: 3:30PM — 5:00PM
Dogwalks HQ
Julia and her fabulous team walk my dog Maximus every day. He always comes home tired and happy from all the play and exercise. Also, having the ability for him to stay overnight when I am on vacation is a lifesaver. I could not live without Dogwalks!